Platform for standard web e-commerce system, developed by Suitmedia
Main Components:
- Laravel 4.2.*
- Bootstrap 3.0.1
- jQuery 1.11.0
- TinyMCE 4.0.28 with 2.3
- DataTables 1.10.0 with TableTools 2.2.1
- Highcharts 4.0.1
- User management
- Supply management
- Product management
- Brand management
- Order management
- Courier management
- Shipping management
- Article management
- Voucher management
- Banner images management
- Bank account management
- User management
- User payment confirmation
- User banning
- Flag user as spam
- Private message between user
Taxonomy: category, parent category
Authentication: built-in auth with reCaptcha
WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) + file uploader (
Simple ads (banner images) management: image/url and description
Reports with charts using highcharts with current day/week/year view
How to use:
Copy all files from project suitcommerce
Edit some config files: database.php, app.php
Modify status.json as needed (app/config/status.json)
- status.json is a list of data for table statuses.
Create database suitcommerce and migrate database with:
$ php artisan migrate
Seed the database for dummy data
$ php artisan db:seed
Update/add new models
Develop some project-specific modules
Work on frontend integration
Version 0.1 (2012-03-05)
- First release