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Aplikasi Info Covid-19 Berbasis Mobile yang menggunakan Framework7 berguna untuk mengetahui info penyebaran kasus Co�

Aplikasi Info Covid-19 Berbasis Mobile yang menggunakan Framework7 berguna untuk mengetahui info penyebaran kasus Covid-19 di seluruh belahan dunia.

Halo sobat Source Code Aplikasi, pada postingan kali ini saya mau berbagi tentang Aplikasi Info Covid-19 Berbasis Mobile yang menggunakan Framework7 berguna untuk mengetahui info penyebaran kasus Co� yang semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda saat belajar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis HTML. Source code aplikasi ini bisa sobat unduh secara free dan dijadikan bahan coding guna pengembangan aplikasi atau juga bisa dijadikan inspirasi pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan bisa juga dimanfaatkan langsung, namun harus tetap memperhatikan lisensi developer pada aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi


Aplikasi Info Covid-19 Berbasis Mobile yang menggunakan Framework7 berguna untuk mengetahui info penyebaran kasus Covid-19 di seluruh belahan dunia.


  • Install Node.js
  • Buka direktori Covid-19 di Command Prompt
  • Ketik npm start
  • Otomatis terbuka localhost:8080

Framework7 CLI Options

Framework7 app created with following options:

  "cwd": "C:\\Users\\pavilion\\Documents\\ProjectSourceTree\\Covid-19",
  "type": [
  "name": "Covid-19",
  "pkg": "io.framework7.myapp",
  "framework": "core",
  "template": "tabs",
  "bundler": "webpack",
  "cssPreProcessor": "stylus",
  "cordova": {
    "folder": "cordova",
    "platforms": [
    "plugins": [
  "webpack": {
    "developmentSourceMap": true,
    "productionSourceMap": true,
    "hashAssets": false,
    "preserveAssetsPaths": false,
    "inlineAssets": true
  "theming": {
    "customColor": false,
    "color": "#007aff",
    "darkTheme": false,
    "iconFonts": true,
    "fillBars": false
  "customBuild": false

NPM Scripts

  • ?? start - run development server
  • ?? dev - run development server
  • ?? build-dev - build web app using development mode (faster build without minification and optimization)
  • ?? build-prod - build web app for production
  • ?? build-dev-cordova - build cordova app using development mode (faster build without minification and optimization)
  • ?? build-prod-cordova - build cordova app
  • ?? build-dev-cordova-ios - build cordova iOS app using development mode (faster build without minification and optimization)
  • ?? build-prod-cordova-ios - build cordova iOS app
  • ?? build-dev-cordova-android - build cordova Android app using development mode (faster build without minification and optimization)
  • ?? build-prod-cordova-android - build cordova Android app


There is a webpack bundler setup. It compiles and bundles all "front-end" resources. You should work only with files located in /src folder. Webpack config located in build/webpack.config.js.

Webpack has specific way of handling static assets (CSS files, images, audios). You can learn more about correct way of doing things on official webpack documentation.


Cordova project located in cordova folder. You shouldn't modify content of cordova/www folder. Its content will be correctly generated when you call npm run cordova-build-prod.


Assets (icons, splash screens) source images located in assets-src folder. To generate your own icons and splash screen images, you will need to replace all assets in this directory with your own images (pay attention to image size and format), and run the following command in the project directory:

framework7 generate-assets

Or launch UI where you will be able to change icons and splash screens:

framework7 generate-assets --ui

Documentation & Resources

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MIT License 2020, Rizki Karianata.

The data may not be used for commercial purposes.

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