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Deskripsi Aplikasi

Data Visualization with Kendo UI Professional

Try in AppBuilder


This demo app is a hybrid mobile app with rich HTML5-based data visualization, developed with Kendo UI Professional. It provides a pie chart, a stock chart, a gauge and a QR code generator.

Supported mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone

Developed with: Windows Phone SDK 8.1, Apache Cordova 4.0.0

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Important Directories and Files

  • data\boeing-stock.json: Contains dummy data for the stock chart.
  • scripts\app.js: Contains the application initialization and the implementation of switching between the native and the flat UI skins.
  • scripts\gauge.js: Contains the implementation of the gauge.
  • scripts\pie-chart.js: Contains the implementation of the pie chart.
  • scripts\qr-code.js: Contains the implementation of the QR code generator.
  • scripts\stock-chart.js: Contains the implementation of the stock chart.

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Skin Pie Chart Radial Gauge QR Code Stock Chart


Skin Pie Chart Radial Gauge QR Code Stock Chart

Windows Phone

Skin Pie Chart Radial Gauge QR Code Stock Chart

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Test the Sample

Apart from exploring the sample code base in GitHub, you can also clone and run the sample in your preferred AppBuilder client.


With the AppBuilder in-browser client, you can develop hybrid and NativeScript cross-platform mobile apps from your browser. You can use the in-browser client at

Clone the sample

  1. Click the button at the top of this document.
  2. Provide your login credentials, if prompted.

Configure the sample for running

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the project node and select Manage Packages.
  2. In the Kendo UI tab, select a Kendo UI Professional package and click *Install.
  3. Confirm and wait for the operation to complete.
  4. Click Close.

Run the sample

  1. Run in the device simulator.
  2. Run in the companion app.
  3. Deploy on device via QR code.

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With the AppBuilder Windows client, you can develop hybrid and NativeScript cross-platform mobile apps from your Windows desktop. You can download and install the Windows client from

Clone the sample

  1. Verify that the AppBuilder Windows client is running and you are logged in the Telerik Platform in the account in which you want to develop your application.
  2. In the dashboard, click Samples and select Hybrid.
  3. From the Workspace drop-down menu, select the workspace in which you want to develop your application.
  4. Select Demos.
  5. Select Kendo Ui Professional.
  6. (Optional) Rename the project.
  7. Click Clone.

Configure the sample for running

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the project node and select Manage Packages.
  2. In the Kendo UI tab, select a Kendo UI Professional package and click *Install.
  3. Confirm and wait for the operation to complete.
  4. Click Close.

Run the sample

With the AppBuilder Windows client, you can quickly test your apps on device, in the simulator or in the native emulators.

  1. Run in the device simulator.
  2. Run in the companion app.
  3. Run in the native emulators.
  4. Deploy on device via QR code.
  5. Deploy via cable connection.

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Visual Studio

With the AppBuilder extension for Visual Studio, you can develop hybrid and NativeScript cross-platform mobile apps from Microsoft Visual Studio. You can download and install the extension from

Clone the sample

  1. Verify that the AppBuilder extension for Visual Studio is running and you are logged in the Telerik Platform in the account in which you want to develop your application.
  2. Select AppBuilder ? Get Sample.
  3. Select Hybrid.
  4. Select Demos.
  5. Select Kendo Ui Core Professional.
  6. (Optional) Rename the project.
  7. Click Get.

Configure the sample for running

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project node and select Manage Packages.
  2. In the Kendo UI tab, select a Kendo UI Professional package and click *Install.
  3. Confirm and wait for the operation to complete.
  4. Click Close.

Run the sample

With the AppBuilder extension for Visual Studio, you can quickly test your apps on device, in the simulator or in the native emulators.

  1. Run in the device simulator.
  2. Run in the companion app.
  3. Run in the native emulators.
  4. Deploy on device via QR code.
  5. Deploy via cable connection.

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With the AppBuilder command-line interface, you can develop hybrid and NativeScript cross-platform mobile apps from the command line. You can learn how to add the AppBuilder commands to your command line from

Clone the sample

  1. Verify that a command prompt is running and you are logged in the Telerik Platform in the account in which you want to develop your application.

  2. To list the available samples, run the following command.

    appbuilder sample
  3. Run the clone command for the sample as listed by appbuilder sample.

    appbuilder sample clone kendo-ui-professional

The AppBuilder command-line interface shows the following message: Successfully initialized project in the folder!

Configure the sample for running

  1. In the command line, navigate to your project.

  2. Run the following command.

    appbuilder update-kendoui

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