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Aplikasi Point Sale

Aplikasi Point Sale

Salam sahabat Source Code Aplikasi, pada posting ini admin mau share tentang Aplikasi Point Sale yang semoga bisa berguna untuk anda dalam belajar pembuatan program berbasis Php. Source code aplikasi ini bisa sobat unduh secara free dan dijadikan bahan coding guna pengembangan aplikasi atau juga dapat dimanfaatkan ide pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan dapat juga diterapkan langsung, meski harus tetap memperhatikan lisensi developer dalam aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi

Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale system written in the PHP language. It uses MySQL as the data storage back-end and has a simple user interface.

Build Status

How to Install

  1. Create/locate a new mysql database to install open source point of sale into
  2. Execute the file database/database.sql to create the tables needed
  3. unzip and upload Open Source Point of Sale files to web server
  4. Copy application/config/database.php.tmpl to application/config/database.php
  5. Modify application/config/database.php to connect to your database
  6. Modify application/config/config.php encryption key with your own
  7. Go to your point of sale install via the browser
  8. LOGIN using username: admin password:pointofsale
  9. Enjoy

A more extensive setup guide can be found at this site

If you like the project, and you are making money out of it on a daily basis, then consider to buy me a coffee so I can keep adding features.


Or send some coins to 19kwPpAwrUTxbNEs5D6cRR1k4mf5HNa4v2

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