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Aplikasi voting berbasis web menggunakan Codeigniter

Aplikasi voting berbasis web menggunakan Codeigniter

Salam kawan Source Code Aplikasi, di kesempatan kali ini saya mau berbagi tentang Aplikasi voting berbasis web menggunakan Codeigniter yang mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat untuk sobat saat belajar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis Php. Source code aplikasi ini bisa sobat dapatkan secara free dan dijadikan rujukan coding dalam pembuatan aplikasi atau juga dapat dimanfaatkan inspirasi pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan bisa juga dimanfaatkan langsung, namun harus tetap memperhatikan copyright developer dalam aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi


E-Voting adalah sebuah aplikasi voting berbasis web yang dibuat dengan Framework PHP Codeigniter.



username: zulfi
password: zulfi



Hasil Voting


CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

Release Information

This repo contains in-development code for future releases. To download the latest stable release please visit the CodeIgniter Downloads <>_ page.

Changelog and New Features

You can find a list of all changes for each release in the user guide change log <>_.

Server Requirements

PHP version 5.6 or newer is recommended.

It should work on 5.3.7 as well, but we strongly advise you NOT to run such old versions of PHP, because of potential security and performance issues, as well as missing features.


Please see the installation section <>_ of the CodeIgniter User Guide.


Please see the license agreement <>_.


  • User Guide <>_
  • Language File Translations <>_
  • Community Forums <>_
  • Community Wiki <>_
  • Community Slack Channel <>_

Report security issues to our Security Panel <>_ or via our page on HackerOne <>_, thank you.


The CodeIgniter team would like to thank EllisLab, all the contributors to the CodeIgniter project and you, the CodeIgniter user.

© Copyright 2020 Source Code Aplikasi. All Rights Reserved.