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Laravel 5.7 dengan database MySQL

Laravel 5.7 dengan database MySQL

Hai kawan Source Code Aplikasi, pada artikel ini saya mau berbagi tentang Laravel 5.7 dengan database MySQL yang semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi anda dalam belajar pengembangan program berbasis PHP. Source code aplikasi ini bisa sobat download secara cuma-cuma dan dijadikan rujukan coding guna pengembangan aplikasi atau juga bisa dimanfaatkan inspirasi pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan bisa juga diterapkan langsung, meski harus tetap memperhatikan lisensi developer pada aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi



  • Fullname : Nadia Ayu Lestari Arifin
  • Nickname : Nadia
  • NPM : 1144002
  • Class : D4 TI 3c
  • Department : Informatics Engineering
  • Collage : Politeknik Pos Indonesia
  • Project IT 2 Title : Expert Systems Applications Determination Type of Food Based On Digestive System Diseases And Mouth and Throat In Humans. (Sub Module : User Interaction)
  • Computer technology today continue to support human life, especially in medicine and disease progression in growing every year, both from the development of illnesses and the number of sufferers. To deal with the disease needed a specialist. The problem that arises is the limited number, time, and energy of a doctor, in addition to the problem of disease and the lack of a doctor, another problem that arises is the lack of knowledge of the disease to any food that should be consumed. Thus requiring an application system for diagnosing diseases and provide recommendations that should be consumed foods, where the system will facilitate and assist the user in diagnosing the disease and determine the solution of the disease. Expert system is a system that is trying to adopt human knowledge into a computer, So that the computer can resolve the issue as was done by specialists. Expert systems can also help technicians in getting the solution quickly and can save time. The system will be made is "an expert system application determination of the type of food by diseases of the digestive system as well as the mouth and throat in humans". Web based expert systems using PHP and SQL Server as a data base. By inference method used is a forward chaining, which is a process of inference that starting the search from the premise or the data input of the symptoms suffered. Results of tests performed by experts generate knowledge that the material used in this system is based on expert knowledge.

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