Sistem Informasi Akademik BackEnd menggunakan framework CodeIgniter. Academic Information System BackEnd using CodeIgniter.
Rest In CI
This is a rest application based on CodeIgniter, REST in CI.
You need to deploy database schema siakad2.sql
into your mysql server. Then configure database configuration on application/config/database.php
. Insert new user into database.
You can run using Postman Extension
Create JWT Token
URL: http://localhost/auth/token
Method: POST
Multipart Form:
username: <user>
password: <user>(not encrypted)
Create Data You need to set jwt token into Authorization header.
URL: http://localhost/bio_siswa
Method: POST
Multipart Form:
nis : <bio_siswa>
nama: <bio_siswa>
List Data
URL: http://localhost/bio_siswa
Method: GET