bootstrap website templates

Sistem Informasi Audit Gedung

Sistem Informasi Audit Gedung

Halo kawan Source Code Aplikasi, di artikel kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang Sistem Informasi Audit Gedung yang semoga dapat berguna untuk anda saat belajar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis PHP. Source code aplikasi ini bisa sobat download secara cuma-cuma dan dijadikan bahan coding guna pengembangan aplikasi atau juga bisa dimanfaatkan ide pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan bisa juga diterapkan langsung, namun harus tetap memperhatikan lisensi developer pada aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi

SiAdit :3

Building Electric Audit System with Laravel 5.4


  1. Install Composer using detailed installation instructions here
  2. Install Node.js using detailed installation instructions here
  3. Clone repository
$ git clone
  1. Change into the working directory
$ cd siadit
  1. Install dependencies
$ composer install --prefer-dist
$ npm install
  1. Edit .env.example according to your environment and save as .env
7. An application key can be generated with the command

$ php artisan key:generate

8. Execute following commands

$ bower install $ npm run dev

9. Run these commands to create the tables within the defined database and populate seed data

$ php artisan migrate --seed

If you get an error like a `PDOException` try editing your `.env` file and change `DB_HOST=localhost` to `DB_HOST=`.

## Run

To start the PHP built-in server

$ php -S localhost:8080 -t public/

Now you can browse the site [http://localhost:8080]

## How to contribute

Fork the repository, read the [CONTRIBUTE]( file and make some changes.
Once you're done with your changes send a pull request and check [CI validation status](

## License

This boilerplate is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).

© Copyright 2020 Source Code Aplikasi. All Rights Reserved.