Sistem Informasi PHP Codeigniter Clustering Data dengan Algoritma K-Means
Sistem yang meng-cluster data dalam beberapa kategori menggunakan Algoritma K-Means dengan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan Framework Codeigniter 2
Video Tutorial Step by Step Membuat Sistem Informasi K-Means
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- Sofyan Setiawan - Freelance Web Designer and Developer - Facebook - @sofyansetiawann
CodeIgniter 2
Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
For more info, please refer to the user-guide at
(also available within the download package for offline use)
WARNING: CodeIgniter 2.x is no longer under development and only receives security patches until October 31st, 2015. Please update your installation to the latest CodeIgniter 3.x version available (upgrade instructions here).