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Tugas Besar Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web ITERA

Tugas Besar Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web ITERA

Hai kawan Source Code Aplikasi, di posting ini kami mau share tentang Tugas Besar Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web ITERA yang mudah-mudahan dapat berguna untuk anda dalam belajar pengembangan program berbasis Javasript. Source code aplikasi ini dapat sobat unduh secara gratis dan dijadikan bahan coding guna pengembangan program atau juga bisa dijadikan inspirasi pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan dapat juga dimanfaatkan langsung, meski harus tetap memperhatikan lisensi developer pada aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi


Final Project Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web ITERA

HTTP requests

All API requests are made by sending a secure HTTPS request using one of the following methods, depending on the action being taken:
  • POST Create a resource
  • PUT Update a resource
  • GET Get a resource or list of resources
  • DELETE Delete a resource

HTTP Response Codes

Each response will be returned with one of the following HTTP status codes:
  • 200 OK The request was successful
  • 400 Bad Request There was a problem with the request (security, malformed, data validation, etc.)
  • 401 Unauthorized The supplied API credentials are invalid
  • 403 Forbidden The credentials provided do not have permission to access the requested resource
  • 404 Not found An attempt was made to access a resource that does not exist in the API
  • 405 Method not allowed The resource being accessed doesn't support the method specified (GET, POST, etc.).
  • 500 Server Error An error on the server An error on the server occurred.


each route which access is private required a token string in header.


Route Description Access
POST api/users/register Register new user Public
POST api/users/login Login User and return a token Public
GET api/users/current Return user current payload Private


Route Description Access
GET api/profile Get current user profile Private
GET api/profile/handle/:handle Get a profile by handle Public
GET api/profile/user/:user_id Get profile by user id Public
GET api/profile/all Get all profile Public
POST api/profile Create current user profile Private
GET api/profile/user/:user_id Get profile by user id Public

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