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Web App Kios / Kasir

Web App Kios / Kasir

Halo sahabat Source Code Aplikasi, di postingan kali ini kami akan berbagi tentang Web App Kios / Kasir yang semoga dapat berguna untuk sobat saat belajar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis Javasript. Source code aplikasi ini dapat sobat download secara free dan dijadikan referensi coding dalam pembuatan aplikasi atau juga bisa dijadikan inspirasi pembuatan tugas kuliah, atau bahkan bisa juga diterapkan langsung, namun harus tetap memperhatikan copyright developer pada aplikasinya.

Deskripsi Aplikasi

OLX clone app

Olx Clone is a clone app of It use React Native as the frontend and Django as the Backend. I am working this app at and Bootcamp class. Feels free to contribute to make this app better.

gif gif

Install via Terminal

open the terminal first, and type as below

$ git clone yourappname
$ cd yourappname
$ npm install


  1. React Native as Frontend
  2. Django as Backend

Running an application with a terminal

open the terminal first, then run the terminal as below

$ react-native run-android
$ react-native run-ios

Features that must be installed

  1. Products List
  2. Product Detail
  3. once installed it will be able to run redux used to call the database by using Django python

Database API

the database folder contains the django python source code

run it using virtual env then activate the virtual env after that go into the database folder then run it by way of python runserver

##Mobile Frontend (React Native):##

Make sure you already installed React Native and have emulator or real device running. If not visit this page

$ cd olx-clone/olx-app
$ npm install
$ npm start


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screenshots1 screenshots2 screenshots3 screenshots4


Video How to use Redux on App

Olx Clone

Video run app on android mobile

Olx Clone

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Author: Qori Haidir Alam

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